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Master Elfried Paulina

Rank Chil Dan (7mo Dan)

1972: Started in Tae Kwon Do with Grandmaster Cho Myong Koo in Curacao.

1974: Attained Tae Kwon Do Cho Dan under Grandmaster Cho Myong Koo in Curacao.

1975: Moved to the Netherlands for study.

1976: Joined Tae Kwon Do Dojang Kwon Moo in Groningen, the Netherlands.

1978: Kwon Moo joins Dutch Tang Soo Do Moo Do Kwan Federation.

1980: Attained Cho Dan in Tang Soo Do under Grandmaster Theo Salm. Exam was 

supervised by Grandmaster Kang Uk Lee.

1985: Kwon Moo joins World Tang Soo Do Association. 

1987: Attained E Dan, Exam was conducted by Grandmaster Jae Chul Shin.

1989: Started own Do Jang “Jin Do” in Groningen under the Dutch Tang Soo Do Moo Do Kwan® Federation.

1991: Returned to Curacao.

1997: Started new Do Jang in Curacao.

1998: Meeting and training with Richard Morales, Kyo Sa Nim Jaime Lazu and Kyo Sa Nim Pablo Vangas (now Kwan Jang Nim) in Aruba.

1998: Training in Manati, Puerto Rico, under Master Pedro Vangas (now Grandmaster Vangas).

1998: Continued unaffiliated with Tang Soo Do.

2000: Training under Grandmaster Ho Sik Pak and promoted to Sa Dan.

2003: Stopped teaching Tang Soo Do due to job change. Continued own training without any student or affiliation.

2016: Meeting with Kwan Jang Nim Vangas and Kwang Jang Nim Torres in Aruba and joined the Pan American Bi Sang Kwan Association.

2016: Assisted the Bi Sang Kwan Tang Soo Do Symposium in Orocovis, Puerto Rico.

2016: Started the Curacao Bi Sang Kwan Tang Soo Do Do Jang in September 2016.

2017: Tested for and promoted to O Dan by Kwan Jang Nim Pedro Vangas in Aruba.

2018: Tested for and promoted to Yuk Dan by Kwan Jang Nim Pedro Vangas in Viña del Mar, Chile.

2022: Organized the 1st International Bi Sang Kwan Symposium and Championship in Curacao.

Phone: +59995133383